Posts tagged Casa Guadalajara Blog
Welcome to the Casa Guadalajara Blog!
0It’s here! The Casa Guadalajara Blog is ready for you to enjoy and for us to get to know each other better. We want to share with you all that’s happening with us, and we want to know what you think. Your suggestions and feedback are always appreciated. We do our best to make every encounter memorable, and we want your interaction with us online to be a great experience, just like when you visit us in Old Town.
In the blog we’ll tell you about special, seasonal menu items, tantalizing margarita trivia, profiles of some of our employees, Bazaar del Mundo and Old Town events…and so much more!
Come visit our blog often. Bookmark it or click on the little orange triangle below our name and you’ll be notified whenever something new and interesting is posted here.
Thanks for being so supportive of us. We appreciate you and we know you’ll love our blog. We made it just for you!